Mouse Removal Services

Widely considered the most common pest throughout the world, house mice are responsible for damage beyond their size—ruining stores of food, causing serious structural damage and property damage, and spreading diseases are some common mouse problems. Mice are not sneaky but are quite intelligent, often realizing baits and other traps are unusual and therefore evading them. It's important to address house mice problems in your Seattle home as soon as you notice the first indication, as their populations can grow quickly.

Where Do Mice Live?

Mice originate from Asia and spread to North America where they are now very prevalent nationally. Mice thrive in human-centric areas like urban areas, but are also found in suburban and rural areas alike. House mice nest underground but they also build nests out of paper, burlap, and other fibrous materials in and around Seattle homes and other outbuildings.

How Do Mice Get Into Your House?

Are house mice known to enter homes or yards?
Some of the house mouse's favorite places to nest are, in fact, in and around human homes and manmade structures. Human activity provides mice with their favorite foods, including cereal, grains, nuts, fruits, plant seeds and roots, meat, and trash. Additionally, Seattle homes with central heating give the rodents warm nesting locations during the winter months.

What Damage Do Mice Cause?

Are mice a threat to people or properties?
Mice are second to only by rats as the most destructive pest, house mice almost always cause some kind of damage to property or people where infestations are present. The rodents consume about three grams of food each day but destroy much more than that thanks to their nibbling habits. They dig up freshly planted grains, mutilate crops before harvest, gnaw through containers of food in warehouses, and even contaminate packages with their urine and droppings.

Because they spend a lot of time in dumpsters, sewers, and other filthy locations, house mice are often riddled with pathogens and secondary pests. The rodents have the capacity to spread salmonellosis, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and tapeworms and may carry fleas, ticks, and similar parasites in their fur. Humans contract diseases from mice by coming into contact with or accidentally consuming their urine and feces.

House mice are also capable of serious structural damage. Their teeth grow rapidly, and they must gnaw to keep the length under control. This leads to the destruction of wall insulation, stored items like books and paintings, and damage to support beams and walls that worsens over time. House mice also chew on electrical wires, which can lead to shorts and even electrical fires.

Mouse Control & Safety

Unfortunately, there's no fool-proof method of exclusion that guards against house mouse infestations. Property owners often have to employ multiple techniques to reduce the possibility of attracting rodents. Some easily implemented and helpful activities include cleaning homes regularly, sealing cracks in building foundations, eliminating clutter in attics and basements, keeping food stored in airtight and rodent-proof containers, and removing collections of debris in yards.

Mouse Trapping & Removal

House mice aren't very sneaky, and it's easy to notice infestations. Once the first signs of activity appear, property owners should contact the professionals at Critter Control to deal with the problem. Our trained technicians have the tools and extensive knowledge of house mouse behavior to quickly and safely remove infestations.

We will help you get rid of mice in your Seattle area home! Call Critter Control of Seattle today at 253.343.0412.

Request a Quote
The common house mouse is the most adaptive rodent when it comes to thriving in human-oriented areas. House mice are found nearly anywhere people are, eating human food, finding shelter in human structures, and reproducing at an impressive rate. House mice are known to cause upwards of millions of dollars worth of damage through food contamination, structural damage and even electrical fires.
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